Home Learning
Home learning is defined as ‘any work or educational activities which pupils take part in outside of school time, either on their own or with parents’. Rushmore Primary values home learning for the following reasons:
- Children can practice and extend skills and knowledge learnt in school.
- Personal interests can be developed and a love of learning fostered.
- It fosters individual learning and greater independence.
- Children develop good habits of organisation and self-discipline in preparation for secondary.
Homework Expectations at Rushmore
At the beginning of each term, the curriculum booklets for each year group are sent out to parents and carers. These booklets give a detailed overview of the keys skills and knowledge to be taught across the curriculum in each year group. In addition, these booklets provide parents with vocabulary banks which can be used to support children's learning at home.
Each term children are encouraged to create a Home Learning project related to their cross-curriculum topic. Click here to see a selection of photos of some of these projects.
English and mathematics are the main focus of learning for homework. We have tried to keep the demands to a minimum and our homework expectations include the following:
English Homework
- Spellings are sent home weekly in Year 1 - Year 6 for the children to practice before they are tested the following week
- Reading every night - at least 20 minutes in Year 1 - Year 3 and at least 30 minutes in Year 4 -Year 6
- Year 6 children complete a written English homework piece weekly in preparation for the expectations in secondary school
Mathematics Homework
- Times tables are sent home weekly in Year 1 - Year 6 for the children to practice before they are tested the following week
- IXL - interactive online learning maths site that motivates pupils to learn and master key maths skills Home Learning Project - There are termly awards for individual children and classes who spend the most time on the site practising and applying their maths skills
- Key Facts posters are circulated to parents each year. These detail the key maths facts which children should have secured by the end of each academic year to continue to work at the age expected standard. Click to see Maths Key Facts Posters.
- Year 6 children complete a written maths homework task weekly in preparation for the expectations in secondary school